Knob Noster Virtual Academy
A tuition-free virtual option for students in K-12
Knob Noster School District is very excited to offer K-12 students flexible learning options through Knob Noster Virtual Academy using accredited virtual courses from Edmentum and EdOptions Academy - tuition-free. These engaging online courses open up a world of content for students in a variety of different learning styles, offer hands-on learning opportunities and allow learners the flexibility to move past content they have already mastered and focus on the concepts that need additional attention.
Over 300 K-12 online courses offered, including:
World Languages • Electives • Advanced
Career and Technical • College and Career Readiness
Click here to view Edmentum Calvert Learning K-5 Courses
Click here to view COURSE LIST for Grades 6-12
With our accredited program, you will receive all of the tools and support needed to succeed - TUITION-FREE:

Access to an online learning platform with easy-to-use lessons, engaging multimedia resources and a daily schedule

Student device, filtering and security.
Transferrable records and credentials.

Personal support, tutoring and counseling from certified teachers.
In addition, your child will have opportunities to engage and connect with students and be part of our vibrant Knob Noster school community through events such as: Sports participation, field trips, and school-sponsored events.
Knob Noster Virtual offers students and their families:
- Tuition-free access to a quality learn-at-home option with teacher support
- Opportunities for homeschoolers, elite athletes and performers, at-risk students, and students who are homebound due to illness or injury, to continue their studies outside the traditional classroom with a flexible learning schedule
- Help for students who are currently performing below grade-level to catch-up
- Personalized instruction, and
- On-demand online tutoring.
Enrollment is open year-round!
For more information, call:
Whiteman Elementary 660.563.3028
Knob Noster Elementary 660.563.3019
Knob Noster Middle School 660.563.2260
Knob Noster High School 660.563.2283