CALENDAR UPDATE: School will be in session on Friday, February 14, 2025 as the first snow make up day. This day is scheduled due to the school closing for inclement weather on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. The calendar change caused the PD/Work Day for teachers and staff originally scheduled on February 14 to move to February 17.

Printable 2024-2025 Official BOE Approved School Year Calendar
Printable 2023-2024 Official BOE Approved School Year Calendar
Printable 2022-2023 Official BOE Approved School Year Calendar
The Knob Noster Board of Education approves the academic calendar based on the recommendation of the superintendent. If the district cancels school for snow days or for other unforeseen reasons, those days are made up as described within the calendar.
Who determines what the calendar looks like?
The Board of Education votes to approve the calendar based upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and input from teachers, support staff, and administrators.
When does the final decision on the school calendar take place?
The superintendent usually begins developing the calendar in December and January and makes a recommendation to the Board at the January school board meeting. The Board typically makes its final decision in February.
What are the top priorities for developing the calendar?
The superintendent makes a recommendation with four main priorities in mind:
- The calendar should support instruction and assessment for students;
- The calendar should reflect the desires of parents, guardians, and the community; and
- The calendar should be friendly to families.
- The calendar should represent the interests of Knob Noster Public Schools employees.