The Knob Noster School District invites members of our community to celebrate together at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Knob Noster High School. The event will be held on Friday, October 11 at 10 a.m. and will feature comments from stakeholders and representatives from the school, community, and Department of Defense.
KNPS Knob Noster High School Groundbreaking Invite - 10.11.24
The site of the new Knob Noster High School is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Highway 23 and Smith Parkway (south of the MoDOT Maintenance Facility). Individuals attending the groundbreaking can enter the site directly from Highway 23 across from the McDonald’s entrance. Please note the event will be outside on the future school site. Attendees are advised to dress accordingly. Parking will be available in a grassy area on site near the groundbreaking. A rain date is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15 at 10 a.m. if needed.
The Knob Noster High School project includes construction of a community FEMA safe room supported by a $5.25 million FEMA/SEMA grant. The District’s multi-phase, long-range facilities plan prioritizes academic space to address the rapidly growing student population along with the projected population growth associated with the announcement of the B-21 mission landing at Whiteman AFB. The Knob Noster School District is grateful for the ongoing support and partnership of the Knob Noster community and Whiteman AFB. The Board Of Education is proud to move forward with this project as a long-term investment in our community, installation, and most importantly, our children.
~ Knob Noster Public Schools, Our Mission Is Student Success ~